P CON Instrumentation Sdn. Bhd. [202001008760(1365080-H)]

REAL-TIME geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring specialist MALAYSIA

We are a geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring specialist firm in Malaysia providing REAL-TIME Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring services for construction and infrastructure projects in Malaysia like MRT, LRT, railways, highways, tunnels, bridges, slopes, etc. as well as monitoring existing buildings and structures for property owners.


In-situ site construction monitoring exercises have been one of the most resource-intensives activities in Malaysia. High equipment cost and complicated operating procedures leads to impracticality for frequent and detailed data collection for reliable analyse of the soil conditions. Leveraging from the Internet-of-Things (IoT) infrastructure, P CON Instrumentation Sdn. Bhd., the Instrumentation Monitoring Survey Specialist in Malaysia devices 3G-enabled communication units specifically to the existing geotechnical equipment, for e.g. optical levels, geophones, tiltmeter, displacement sensors. The communication devices continuously collect data from the geotechnical equipment and send the data to the computer/handphone over the Cloud architecture, to achieve REAL-TIME monitoring application.

These REAL-TIME monitoring data is not limited for accuracy and timely soil condition estimation, but also can be used as a protection mechanism, whereas early warning can be provided if abnormally is detected from the sensors. In Malaysia, P CON Instrumentation Sdn. Bhd. provides the following REAL-TIME instrumentation and monitoring services: –


Real-Time Structural, Ground & Building MOVEMENT & SETTLEMENT Monitoring

Real-Time Structural & Ground VIBRATION Monitoring

Real-Time NOISE Monitoring

Real-Time Structural TILT and ROTATION Monitoring

Real-Time Structural CRACKS Monitoring

Real-Time Structural VERTICALITY Monitoring

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