About Us

About Us
REAL-TIME Instrumentation and Monitoring Consultant Engineer Malaysia
P CON Instrumentation Sdn. Bhd., an instrumentation and monitoring consultant company in Malaysia, is one of the companies in P-CON Group, which has been in the building assessments and survey business for more than 18 years in Malaysia and Singapore.
P CON Instrumentation Sdn. Bhd., being a specialist in Instrumentation and Monitoring Survey and reporting services in Malaysia is currently co-spearheaded with Dr. Lim Chin Hong, researcher and entrepreneur in construction monitoring services and sensors for more than 6 years in Malaysia. He and his teams including our engineer, Ir. Teng, have deployed REAL-TIME geotechnical monitoring sensors for MRT system, LRT system and IOI properties groups in Malaysia for more than 3 years.
Our Ir Teng has more than 8 years’ experience in geotechnical consultancy works for mining industry in Australia, Indonesia, UK and as well as in Malaysia. Currently he focuses on project management and consultancy works in geotechnics, structural assessment and rehabilitation (or Forensic Investigation).

Dr. Chin Hong Lim
Founder & CEO
- Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering.
- Specialized Structural Vibration Monitoring & Instrumentation.

Dr. Huei Ee Yap
Co-Founder & CTO
Ph.D in Mechatronics Engineering.
Founder of LP Research Pte Ltd, Tokyo.
Specialized in Hardware & loT.

Dr. King Hann Lim
Ph.D in E&E Engineering.
Specialized in Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing.

Wen Loong Lim
Co-Founder & PM
Mechanical Engineer, 8 years experience in Product Design, Research, Development, QA.

Ir. Teng Soon Ng (Eddie)
- BSC (Hons) Civil Eng, University of Aberdeen,
P.Eng, I.EA, CPEng, NPERm Int PE.
OUR Mission
To provide more resource-effective geotechnical monitoring services to construction sites and existing buildings.
Digitalize and automate all the geotechnical monitoring to provide more effective solutions than the existing practices.