Our professional instrumentation team provides REAL-TIME noise monitoring services in Malaysia all industries especially construction and industrial industries.
The main aim of measurements of environmental noise levels are to assess the existing noise climate. The scope of this exercise includes taking the background, and in-situ (ambient) sound pressure levels at a receiver location(s) and/or at the real property boundary of a noise source(s) prior and during project developments. Outdoor noise measurements at near buildings are carried out at places where the noise to which a building is exposed is of interest. Monitoring stations will be set up 1 m to 2 m from the façade of the target buildings, and least 3.5m away from any reflecting structure other than ground, and 1.2m to 1.5m above the ground. The “A” weighting network, and “fast” time weighting response are used for sound pressure level measurements for equivalent Leq and statistical centile readings. Measurement for statistical centile levels (L10, L90) and maximum instantaneous level (Lmax) are made computed from continuously monitored instantaneous sound pressure levels using data acquisition system for the stipulated time period. A wind shield is used to cover the mic to minimise the noise generated from the wind.